Craft bakery
If you’d like to place an order for bread or pastries please use the online order form on the bottom of this section. The collection date & time is announced in the section Current events. Thank you for your understanding.
Do you enjoy eating a crunchy loaf of bread made locally from the finest ingredients? Do you love the aroma of freshly baked pastry? Would you like to taste mouthwatering savory bakes and pastry? Then, you are in the right place at the right time. Come and take a look around our family owned bakery.
We are an artisan bakery with a proud history of 450 years’ of bakery craft & tradition. We are passionate about the history of milling in the Buskovsky Mill, delivering top customer service and producing quality hot & cold bakery products for various occasions.
The top quality of our products is maintained by using the finest, locally sourced ingredients and by a specific method of dough processing. Do you miss sourdough? We've got you covered! Our awesome sourdough bread provides satisfaction of eating something substantial. The flavors invade your taste buds as the aroma adds to the experience.
From corporate parties, general get togethers, weddings, big celebrations to small parties – come and customize a cake that is right for you or contact us to create a buffet tailored to your occasion. Moreover, homemade sausages, smoked meats and cheese spreads can’t be missing out on our regular baking event for neighbors.

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